I. Humble Beginnings

Hi! I suppose this blog will be about miniatures. Mainly converted miniatures.
I have some projects in my mind and have already started with one two month ago. This one is my Astra Militarum killteam. Funny enough, a few days ago GW announced, that they are going to build a new ruleset especially for killteams. But after I have watched the trailer, I have bad feelings about this.

Astra Militarum killteam

What was my intention?

Firstly, I wanted to create a small team. I am more into skirmish games and, honestly, I love the painting and modelling part even more then playing. So I thougt that the ideal size would be around 10 infantry miniatures. Therefore I've decided, that killteam is an ideal format. Not because I was going to play in Shadow War: Armageddon, I would  prefer, actually, to play in something inq28-like, but it's quite hard to find someone who plays in this game in Russia. So it was more the question of format.

Secondly, I needed to choose a fraction. It was quite easy, actually. I've played a lot with my friends in Dark Heresy, so "regular" humans of the 41st millenium were of particular interest for me. So I have chosen Astra Militarum. But I didn't want to make usual Cadians or Catachans. I had in mind something more medieval-like. And after I've stumbled upon houseguards made by Kari of Iron Sleet for Pilgrym project, I found my inspiration.


These guards are from grave-world, which serves as a place of final rest for the heroes of Imperium. And they are crusading across the Galaxy to collect even more bones and relics of fallen martyrs. Of course, the Ecclesiarchy patronizes this regiment eagerly. Therefore this squad has access to bionics and better weapons than humble lasgun. Also they include a lot of priests and crusaders who want to help them in their noble service. However, they aren't most bloodthirsty and belligerent regiment of the Emperor's finest due to their specific goals. Also they lack artillery and vehicles, except their relic-harvesters.

Their homeworld may be as well considered feudal. Not in terms of production but rather in terms of social structure: people are coneccted to each other by different corporations and various bounds. They are dominated by tradition and highly conservative. I still struggle with the most important part - with the name of the world, but I believe that someday it will come.

Grave world by Christian Schwager for  DH 2nd ed. 


So it begun. I've started with Empire Handgunners, Greatswords and Skitarii kits. I used Handgunners for regular soldiers and found out that their slightly leaning poses make them quite dinamic. Their sergeant, in the contrary, was made using Greatswords body and, therefore, has a more solid pose.

The first sketch of this team.

I decided to make their bases look like a desolated road in the warzone. It's not landscape of their homeplanet, but of the numerous battlefields, where they are looking for relics.

The result this far. 

I'm going to add more pigment to them in the future. Also I want to make some crusaders with close combat weapon to join this team. And as well they need a proper hero! I like how their sergeant turned out, but I think, that a knight or a priest would be a nice final touch. 
But for now, that's all.

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